Rota Kids
Aged 7 - 12 years, RotaKids clubs are based in schools, youth groups, or community centres, and with the help and support from teachers, youth leaders, and the local Rotary club, children can gain valuable experience in helping others and learning interesting, new things.
By doing so, children enjoy a boost to their confidence and self-esteem at a key age and develop an understanding of how their actions can impact others. RotaKids support the #iwill campaign to create genuine opportunities for young people to generate social change.
What do RotaKids clubs do?
The great thing about RotaKids is that children can come up with ideas and see them become a reality. The groups can do just about anything that springs to mind to help others. It shows children that by working together, there is so much you can achieve.
Examples of RotaKids activities include:
- Filling shoeboxes with toys for underprivileged children around the world as part of the Rotary Shoebox Scheme
- Raising money for charities in your area with a sponsored bike ride, non-uniform day, cake sale or school fun days etc
- Supporting the environment by setting a nature project in the school playground or local community
- Collecting books for children in countries around the world
- Carrying out Litterpicks around the school
The decisions made always involve the RotaKids. Such as the date, time, place, cost for admission at events, etc. Then jobs are divided up between the class, with two or three being responsible for producing tickets, another group doing the posters, etc. It may be possible to do many of these things in lesson times, such as Art and Design lessons. There can be a high educational value to forming a RotaKids group.
Rotarians make regular visits to support the project. The aim has always been for the youngsters to have fun while they are carrying out the activities.
Our Local RotaKids clubs
Trinity St Mary's RotaKids Club

Elmwood RotaKids Club