
Foundation International Objectives

Rotary is a gobal organisation with clubs in many countries across all continents. As a member of Rotary you entitled to attend meetings wherever and whenever you wish. Our club has twinned with Meaux in France and Saarbruken in Germany. 

We also endeavour to support international charities and projects. We support The Rotary Foundation charity which has the aim of eradicating Polio. 

Future Events

To answer your question: considering the actual COVID-evolution in Germany as well as in other european countries,

We think it might be wise to invite our friends from SWF and Meaux in the second half of next year; the idea is to invite you all during the weekend september 30 (friday) till monday third of october if that might be agreeable for you ... what do you think about?

The actual situation and the probable evolution during winter 2012/22 seems to let no other choice.

Let me know me what you and your friends do think about it. I will also ask our friends in Meaux