SWF Rotary Contributes to BEARS
The Rotary Club presented a cheque towards the valuable work being carried out by the BEARS. President Eric is pictured presenting the cheque pictured with Dr Ian Gibson and Fund Raiser Christine Winzar
Our speakers were Dr Ian Gibson and Christine Winzar from BEARS (Basics Essex Accident Rescue Service).
Ian gave a very interesting talk on the work and history of the service which started in the early 70s. Their aim is to give victims of accidents, heart attacks, strokes etc medical help in the “Golden Hour” after an incident.
The service is manned by doctors, anaesthetists and paramedics and responds to requests from the East of England Ambulance Service. Their role complements not replaces the vital work carried out by First Responders. Kit was demonstrated and Christine advised that they had 40 places in next year’s London Marathon for sale at £1,900 each (ie runners are expected to raise at least this amount for the service). Anyone interested, please go to the BEARS web site.