South Woodham Ferrers Rotary Swimarathon 2019
A very successful 15th Swimarathon was held over the weekend of 15th March. The event was opened on Friday by the Deputy Mayor of Chelmsford, Councillor Christine Garret accompanied by her escort. They are pictured below with the Rotary President of South Woodham Ferrers Terry Tilbrook along with the Charity representative Ros Luckman from Kids Inspire.
The Mayor wished every success for the fundraising event in aid of the chosen charities which included the Mayor’s chosen charity and Rotary’s’ chosen charity which is Kids Inspire. Several other organisations will benefit via the teams & individuals who swam. Many organisations took part including Youth Organisations, Primary Schools, Schools, Parent Associations, Football Club, Lifeguards, and several individual swimmers.
Saturday’s event was opened by the South Woodham Ferrers Mayor Councillor Peter Wyatt and Deputy Mayor Alan Shearing pictured with Club President Terry Tillbrook.
Highlights included the tremendous effort of young swimmers even with armbands and other support items.
All entrants in the swimarathon were encouraged by some of their many supporters. A continuous line of supporters cheered the teams on over the 3 days. None of this would have been possible without the support of the Sponsors as below whose support paid for the event so that all money earned by the swimmers could go to Charities. Sponsors were:- Ahead 4 Computers, Focus Press, Woodham Radars Football Club, Meadowcroft Garden Centre, Finrod Medical, Palmers Solicitors, Khan Thornton Accountants, Brickfields Dental, Peach Financial and not least, Chelmsford Borough Council.
We would also like to thank the Swimming Pool Staff for great support before & during the Swimarathon and St John Ambulance whose presence was essential but fortunately their skills were not required.