South Woodham Ferrers Rotary is 36 years old
South Woodham Ferrers Rotary club celebrated 36 years since it was formed in the town.
Since its formation it has experienced many changes in the town and also in life in general.
Unfortunately many clubs have come and gone during this time.
We have been fortunate to be able to continue with the events in the town as with the Sleigh at Christmas, the Swimarathon in March and Blood Pressure Day in May or June each year.
Some 50 of us had a magical evening to celebrate our 36 years of existence by being entertained by Steve Jones, a member of the Magic Circle with his magic illusions. He is pictured with President Geof Clark and Past president Eric Cater who introduced Steve to the club
It is only with your support that we can provide help for those who work for good causes in the community. We hope to continue to grow by encouraging more members to join us and so enable us to carry on helping needy people in our community.
Anyone interested in joining us for fun and fellowship should go to our website: and contact us for further information