Rotary Presents Cheques From Swimarathon
Rotary President Terry Tilbrook presented a cheque to members of the North Fambridge Sea Scouts and Cubs for 25% of the money they donated to Rotary during the Swimarathon. The money was earned by the swimmers through sponsorship.
Representing the Scouts were:-
Cub Leader Lee Stentiford, Explorer Chris Smith, Cubs Michael Stentiford, Andrew Stentiford Abigail Saville and Beaver Elizabeth Saville who are in the photo with our president. The money is going towards buying valuable kits for the Sea Scouts.
St John Ambulance
At the same time President Terry presented a cheque to The St john Ambulane for their attendance at the Swimarathon and provide the necessary First Aid cover ove the 3 days.. Representing St John Ambulance to receive the cheque were Jenny & Lisa.
We are grateful for the support all of the participants both swimmers & help in any way during the Swimarathon and the next on will be in March 2019. See the website for times that teams can take part