Graham Locke an Obituary
The Rotary Club of South Woodham Ferrers is sad to announce that our dear friend and well respected Rotary colleague has gone to Higher Rotary Service.
Graham died after just 6 weeks in hospital when he had been diagnosed with Cancer of the Throat.
Graham always had a caring interest in others which was seen in everything he did in his life. He was born in 1931 and did national service in the Royal Army Medical Corps during which he achieved the rank of Sergeant.
His need to do things for others led him to join the Police Force at 28 years of age which was considered old for a new recruit. His work ethic in the force saw him carry on up the promotion ladder to achieve Chief Superintendent and finally Divisional Commander in the Somerset Force.
His love of giving of himself to communities not only meant that he loved his job but he also joined Rotary of which he was a member for 35 years giving his time to charitable causes. He and Margaret moved to South Woodham Ferrers to be nearer their son Tim, daughter in-law Nicky and granddaughter Zoe. Graham continued in Rotary for 10 more years in the SWF Rotary Club where we enjoyed his friendship and inspiration to help others.
All who knew Graham saw him as a very special man who will be sadly missed by us and everyone who knew him.
Rest in Peace Graham