Rotary Club of South Woodham Ferrers
As you will see from our previous press releases regarding the difficulties with fund raising we felt it beneficial to let everyone who we have supported since the initial lockdown.
We have been able to make donations to the present day totalling £14,500 with a majority of this being raised from last year’s Xmas Sleigh and to a lesser extent the Swimarathon.
Our aim has been to focus on local needs within the town and surrounding CM postal area.
The main beneficiaries in the first lockdown to help with the impact of Covid-19 were Havens Hospices, Chelmsford Foodbank which supplies the town, Farleigh Hospice and many smaller charities.
Since then we have helped the SWF local health care group, Little Havens, plus a local family that you may have read about recently and many more.
Further Update Going forward with the uncertainty with Covid we will be impacted in being able to help local community and charities in the same way. We are therefore grateful that Asda have allowed the club to have collection buckets in the store for any cash donation you may wish to make.
Any amounts will be gratefully received especially now that we are in a cashless environment.
This will be the only direct way of raising funds this year at Xmas so please bring cash out and give generously. The only other way is to visit our website at and follow the links on the home page or alternatively you can go direct and make a donation by going to our Virgin Just Giving page at
Any donation made will be subject to gift aid so if you are a tax payer for every £1 we will get an extra 25p.
Thanks for your support and stay safe.
SWF Rotary